Donate Mattress Can you imagine what it must be like to sleep on a cold, hard
floor night after night? Most of us are blessed so as not have faced any such
situation, but in our city and in our state there are many who spend their nights
in discomfort, trying to get a few hours of rest. Many people whose homes have
been destroyed due to natural calamities are also trying to rebuild their homes.
They have no belongings to fill their homes with. It is our effort at The Houston
Charity Center to provide needy people with mattresses so that they may at
least sleep well.

We request concerned citizens like you to come forward and
donate your old mattresses if you are planning on getting new ones and if you
are looking to dispose off your old mattresses. Your donation will entitle you to
a tax deduction usually equal to a fair value of your donated mattress. The exact
amount of deduction can be explained more clearly by your tax consultant.
While we appreciate and welcome all donations, we also insist that the
mattresses you donate be clean and in useable condition. Stained, torn and
damaged items will not be accepted by us. Mattresses are heavy things to
transport, so if you are unable to deliver it to our center, request for a pickup by
filling the form on our donation pickup page at.
Other organizations
in Houston like the ones mentioned below,
also accept donated mattresses: