1. Donations should be clean, usable and working.
2. We are not able to pickup books, magazines, newspapers, used construction materials,
non-working appliances, water beds, chemicals, Christmas trees or trash.
3. Smaller items should be boxed or bagged together and ready for pickup.
4. Donation pickups are made Monday – Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. ONLY.

Donors unavailable during these hours may:
a.) Leave donation in front of your home or office on the day of pickup.
b.) Request a call 30 min. to an Hour ahead to let you know we are coming.
c.) Drop off their donation 9a.m.-9p.m. Monday – Saturday at 14105 South Post
Oak Road, Houston TX 77045
5. We have an URGENT NEED for non-perishable food items, toiletries and hygiene items.
Please add a small bag from your pantry/bathroom if possible. THANKS!